Friday, October 17, 2008

It's my sons 8th Birthday

I didn't want my other post today to overshadow everything. It was just coincidental that I happened to decide to post on my sons birthday, but yep he is 8 today. Just like everyone else, I am amazed at how fast he has grown. He is a wonderful little boy. He is trying too, but I try not to blame him. He has ADHD. Those who truly have children with ADHD know the conflicting emotions that comes with this condition. Your child is medicated and they are wonderful, thoughtful, and sweet children. It is here you get to see their true heart. The moments they do such thoughtful things or say something that melts your heart. Then the medicine wears off and they are bouncing off the walls, hurting their siblings, having meltdowns, ignoring correction, and then you nearly snap. Regardless of their issues, it is still so hard to maintain reason. But, I adore him. He is my little buddy. I don't have any friends, well at least any in my vicinity. He is it. I would love to count my wife here, but she has taken a different course so it is really just my son and me. I have twin boys as well, but they are only two so it will be a while before they do what my big guy and I do.

It saddens me to think that I only have about three to five more years with my son. What do I mean? Well, I kind of think - through experience - that your children are more or less yours from birth until they turn about 11 to 13. Then you sort of lose them to their friends and activities. It is until around this age you are their first thought. You can be expected to be apart in some capacity in just about everything they do, but that all changes when they start hanging with friends more and definitely when they become interested in the opposite sex. I am not saying you loose them entirely, but your role shrinks rapidly. This is the way of life I know, but that doesn't mean it won't sadden me as I see it happen.

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