Thursday, October 30, 2008

Brief Background of my wife and me career wise

**Just a reminder. I am not a writer and I do not fancy myself as such. I hope I am writing coherently enough that things are readable, but I know there may from time to time be something a little awkward. I offer my apologies.

My wife and I have been together for nearly 19 years. We have been married for 13 years this month. She and I didn't have our first child until I was 29 and she was 26. So we were together for around 10 years before children entered the picture. In this time, we just lived day to day. We didn't really solidify a career and were always in and out financial jams, but since it was just us it really didn't bother us too much. Then she got pregnant.

I had accumulated around 70 to 80 credits at the local university over the years, but they basically sat there and still do to this day. However, about a year after our first son was born I went to the local community college to pound out a Computer Networking degree. This turn out to be useless in my home city. It was basically a barren wasteland in terms of IT work - plus it was not long after the bottom had dropped out of the whole .com thing. I just languished for several years thereafter leaning on my wife who became a nurse. She at the time didn't mind. I just became a full time dad.

She became pregnant again with our twins. She had them as I had intended to return to the university to finish a General Studies degree. The reason for the General Studies degree was because I had all those credits that really didn't fit anywhere, but music and I had decided that ship had sailed so the only real option left was the General Studies degree. That would be fine. I just wanted to complete my BS and go from there. Well, I had to interrupt this in the spring of 2006 because my twins were born.

I then became Mr. Mom again for a couple of reasons. The cost of daycare for two infants and the special needs of two premature babies. They needed intense care.

A year or so later, my wife met someone online that was an IT recruiter. She said she could help me find work and she did. I got a job as a QA Analyst. I liked the job, but I couldn't stop thinking about wanting to be a teacher. I also didn't like the QA thing. This bothered my wife. It was the first time that we both were pulling a nice paycheck and I was to some degree still complaining. In hind sight I shouldn't have complained and rode it out, but I couldn't seem to shake what was in my heart. As you might have guessed, I lost my job. I was unable to even get an interview for QA work because of my lack of experience and it has been nearly 11 months. I have gotten some other IT related work interviews, but have so far not been hired.

As I said this bothered my wife about my heart still wanting to teach. I do regret it. I should have just kept my nose to the grind stone for my family if not for me. What am I to do now? She was upset also because she liked the money and the fact she didn't have to work so much. She picked up lots of overtime to make up for my lost income. It was hard on her especially when just a few months ago we were sitting nicely when I was working.

There is more though about her working extra and my being home. I tried to find a job diligently for a couple months, but then I relaxed. She was working extra hours and I just kind of fell back into the role I had had for the last several years. She was quietly getting angry and I didn't see it. I really didn't. This was the way it had been and I loved being back with my family. However, she was getting really, REALLY angry. Again this was going on without me realizing it. Sad. I can't believe this was going on and I was to blind to see it.

This is a super brief background leading up to what recently had been going on behind the scenes. I will begin with the

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